Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Reflection of Oregon Standards for Technology

The big picture of the Oregon technology standards is to provide students with tools of technology in order for students to be creative, solve problems, collaborate with others, research, and to promote digital citizenship, and understand basic technology concepts.
One strategy I would use in my classroom in the middle school to promote digital citizenship would be to have the class make a blog page. Teach the students what to include and what not to include on the page.
Another strategy I would use would be to show students that they can analyze something in class by using technology, such as Yodio, to have class discussions.
Another strategy I find important is to show students what types of sites should be used to find academic information and others that are not as reliable. A teacher can show students peer edited articles vs. wikipedia.

Some challenges might be that many schools are limited in the technology available. Another challenge might be that many students do not have computers at home, so we need to be cautious about assigning tasks for students to accomplish outside of school. Other than that, I think technology is a very important resource that we need to teach students and incorporate in our education system.

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